Rita Nakashima Brock to Speak in Nassau
UPDATE: Please note that I have updated or corrected some of the times and venues below.
The Rev. Dr. Brock is a Founding Co-Director of Faith Voices for the Common Good, an interfaith organization dedicated to educating the public about the values and concerns of religious people. She is also Senior Editor in Religion for The New Press in New York and a Visiting Scholar at Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, CA. During 2001-2002, she was a Fellow at the Harvard Divinity School Center for Values in Public Life. From 1997-2001, Dr. Brock directed the Radcliffe Fellowship Program in advanced research at Harvard University, formerly called the Bunting Institute. From 1990-1997, Dr. Brock held the Endowed Chair in the Humanities at Hamline University, St. Paul, MN.
A licensed minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Dr. Brock is author of several award-winning, critically acclaimed books, Journeys By Heart: A Christology of Erotic Power, Casting Stones: Prostitution and Liberation in Asia and the United States, co-authored with Susan Thistlethwaite, and Proverbs of Ashes: Violence, Redemptive Suffering, and the Search for What Saves Us, co-authored with Rebecca Parker. She has also edited and contributed to a number of books and journals and was a founding board member of the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. She writes a regular column on ethics for the magazine Campaign Elections and essays on the lectionary for Disciples World. For more information about Dr. Brock, click here.
During her visit to Nassau, Dr. Brock will be speaking at the following venues:
Thurs-Sat Oct 25-27 Soularize at New Providence Community Church on Blake Road and JFK, click here for call 327-1660 for details.
Sun Oct 28 at 11:00am Canaan Baptist Church, preaching at morning worship. Canaan Baptist is on Charles Saunders Highway, just east of Sadie Curtis Primary School.
Tues Oct 30 at 6:30pm College of the Bahamas, School of Social Sciences. Lecture to be held at the UWI Dining Room on Thompson Boulevard.
Lecture Topic: "The Expulsion of Paradise, Columbus, and Colonization"
For Christianity's first millennium, salvation as baptism into paradise in this world was its primary understanding of Genesis 1-2. With the Crusades and invention of holy war, the church jettisoned paradise into the afterlife as a reward for killing and being killed. So why then, were the colonizers from Europe looking for paradise in the New World? This lecture will discuss the colonizing impulse, its relationship to the explusion of paradise from this life, and how it might be reclaimed.
Labels: Events Calendar, feminist theology
While I am not at all persuaded by her historical reconstruction, and think she is completely wrong to dismiss Christus Victor as an atonement theory, I was glad she was invited to peace camp. We need to hear challenging voices. (I was simply disturbed to see how fast people jumped on the bandwagon in a fit of theological faddishness.)
I hope she gets plenty of discussion going in the Bahamas--but no bandwagon jumping.
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